Salesforce Trail Guide
MB&A Salesforce Trail Guide is a collection of articles, blog post, trail mixes, links, and other helpful tips tools and tricks to help you become the best ExAM Change Agent and Salesforce Trailblazer you can be.

MB&A Secures Seaport-NXG Contract Vehicle to Deliver Transformational Solutions for the Navy and DoD
Millsapps, Ballinger & Associates (MB&A) has been on-ramped to the Seaport-NXG contract vehicle, enabling the company to extend its 13 years of expertise in technology solutions and professional services to support the Navy and DoD. By leveraging Salesforce and cutting-edge configurable accelerators, MB&A addresses complex operational challenges with agility, scalability, and a commitment to mission success.

Cutting-Edge Digital Audits: The USDA’s Journey to Operational Excellence with the ExAM Platform
Millsapps, Ballinger and Associates (MB&A) in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Laboratory Approval Programs Team leveraged cloud technology to responsibly scale and digitize laboratory audits migrating away from previously constructed, paper-based, and labor-intensive systems. With the implementation of MB&A’s ExAM platform, the USDA Laboratory Approval Programs have realized a measurable increase in efficiency, reducing time spent on administrative, recordkeeping, and reporting functions by 60% and reducing audit times by an average of 4 hours. As a result, customers are experiencing faster and more consistent service. With fewer resources, the Laboratory Approval Service (LAS) is championing operational excellence through better use of technology and shared solutions.

ExAM Trailmix for City and Local Governments
MB&A partners with large US government agencies like the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Veteran Affairs, and the Department of Agriculture
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